Part I of II

Palos Park Property Sisters

As we’re ending February and well into the new year…how are you doing? Maybe you haven’t fully committed to your New Year’s Resolutions? Not to worry, you have 10 glorious months left! Our recommendations will breathe fresh air into your home, your business, and your life.

  • Wake up early. Benjamin Franklin is said to have coined the phrase, “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” Getting a jumpstart on your day increases your energy and allows time for exercise, meditation, a proper breakfast, and leads to better sleep. Eileen is in a daily 5AM club that has expanded her network, grown her business, and transformed her life.
  • Go digital. Use planners, calendars and apps. Set reminders for your business tasks, and personal to-do’s, such as going to the library, DMV, or post office. Bridget uses the “My Wallet” app for loyalty cards, tickets, and expenses. Going paperless can free your space, allowing you to better focus on what’s important.
  • Why do you think we enjoy our Christmas lights so much? When we decorate our homes, we get rid of clutter and create a sacred space. Last month we recommended freshening up your fireplace. Continue the theme, one room at a time. Redecorating doesn’t have to be a major overhaul. Perhaps you buy a new set of cushions or hang fresh artwork. Tiny touches can give new life to your home and your mindset.
  • Now that you have spruced up your space, enjoy it! Reinvest in “me” time. It’s easy to let days go by without a break. Take time to relax and unwind. What do you want to do this year? Could it be a new hobby? Do you want to start your Legacy Letter, learn to dance, write a book, play guitar? Maybe you’d like to purchase real estate or revisit your estate plan. The time you invest in yourself will help you recommit to your resolutions.

Expand the sacred space you’ve created in your home to your head, and your heart!

Look for The Property Sisters monthly segment in Palos Park Life, or contact:

Bridget Gricus (708) and 

Eileen Kerlin Walsh  (708) 

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