Are You Prepared For The Unknown – Even Dementia?

Many people (maybe even you?) think that estate planning is simply planning for death. While that’s important, it’s not enough. The average life span has increased, and long-term care facilities such as assisted living centers and nursing homes are being built at...

Why Singles Should Worry About Estate Planning

As a single individual, you may feel overwhelmed when you think about who will step in and make decisions for you if you cannot make decisions for yourself and who will receive your money and property when you die. You may consider your parents or siblings, but...

Statements of Intent or Purpose in Estate Planning Documents Can Make A BIG DIFFERENCE

The reasons you, as a trustmaker, create a trust are certainly special and important to you, but your intent or purpose for creating a trust can also have significant legal ramifications. For this reason, it is often critical that a trustmaker express in writing their...