Why Singles Should Worry About Estate Planning

As a single individual, you may feel overwhelmed when you think about who will step in and make decisions for you if you cannot make decisions for yourself and who will receive your money and property when you die. You may consider your parents or siblings, but...

How to ensure your well-meaning gift is a lucky blessing (instead of a curse)

Using a Standby Supplemental Needs Trust to Protect Your Loved Ones We all plan for “just-in-case” scenarios. When packing for our week-long vacation, we throw in a rain jacket even though the weather forecast is sunny—just in case. When planning for the future, it is...

Is Your Client’s Well-Meaning Gift a Lucky Blessing (or a Curse)?

We all plan for “just-in-case” scenarios. When packing for our week-long vacation, we throw in a rain jacket even though the weather forecast is sunny—just in case. When helping clients plan for the future, it is also important to consider what will happen just in...