Facebook LIVE Spring Tea with Kerlin Walsh Law: What the Devil is Probate Anyhow?!

An excerpt transcript from Spring Tea with Kerlin Walsh Law weekly Facebook LIVE video, recorded 4/9/21.   Welcome to Spring Tea with Kerlin Walsh Law. My tea today is not Irish tea, it’s lemon-ginger and it is delicious.   Today we’re going to talk about...

Introducing…The Palos Park Property Sisters

We could all use a little guidance about real estate and estate planning.    Whether you are buying or selling a home, want to protect your property, or leave your home to your loved ones, the Property Sisters will guide you through the process from start to...

Women & Estate Planning: Factors to Consider

  It is our hope that we live long, joyful and meaningful lives. Many of us marry, have children, and live well into our elder years. We’re busy with family, work, community, then retirement, and may not think about who is going to live the longest. Amy...

Facebook Live – Friday Fireside Chat: Autism, Mental Illness, Dementia; Protecting Your Vulnerable Loved Ones

  This is a privilege, I’ve often said. This viewpoint I have of our human tapestry, sitting with families day after day, talking about intimate aspects of their life. And it’s often a very positive experience, verifying for me that people are generally kind and...

Difficult Conversations

  I talk often about getting an estate plan in place. We all know we should do that but why don’t we do it? It’s because we must often face difficult issues within our family. We have to have difficult conversations. It’s hard to talk about who we’re going to put...